Being open, honest, fair and transparent is the backbone of our policy. Transparency throughout our business model is an absolute, honesty is the only policy, we respect our customers and accordingly communicate in a very direct, clear and transparent manner.
Our †Certificate of Analysis
We test our Shilajit resin for safety at internationally recognized independent Laboratories, to ensure contaminants such as PCBs, dioxins, furans and heavy metals are below USA & European Union-defined limits. We have found †CWC Labs to be the most stringent and thorough lab globally, especially when it comes to testing Shilajit Resin for harmful metals. We have chosen them to analyze our Shilajit Resin over and above other laboratories for this reason precisely. Their international analytical excellence accreditation speaks volumes for itself.
After two years of laboratory compliance work and extensive quality control development, CWC Labs have been awarded the highest standard of international laboratory accreditation: ISO 17025.
ISO 17025 is an international standard for laboratory excellence that requires years of preparation and practice, extensive documentation, a detailed quality control procedure for all analytical methods, rigorous training of lab personnel, documented traceability of all instruments and reference materials, plus proven competency and accuracy in analytical testing via high-end instrumentation.
ISO 17025 accreditation is granted by third-party accreditation bodies after extensive auditing, proficiency testing and other rigorous compliance activities. Not only is CWC Labs now accredited ISO 17025, but they have achieved this milestone through one of the world’s most recognized international accreditation bodies known as Perry John Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. (PJLA).*
This international accreditation standard is beyond the scope of most U.S. university labs. Our laboratory results can be cited as evidence by any court of law, anywhere in the developed world.
*NOTICE: Our reports are for the exclusive and confidential use of our customers and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results of the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining a prior written authorization from us.
If you are not the designated recipient you are hereby notified that any unauthorized review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this report, and that which is transmitted herewith, is strictly prohibited. If these reports are received by you in error, please notify us immediately. We do not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions that are present in this report, or any attachments. If verification is required, please request a hard-copy version. This report is covered by The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521 and is legally privileged. This transmission may also be protected under the attorney-client privilege, the attorney work product doctrine and/or other protective orders. These rights will be strictly enforced.
By clicking “I Agree”, you confirm that you will not reference to the results, release them, or do any public announcements without obtaining a prior written authorization. It’s only for your personal use.